How To Set Up A Gynecology Clinic Or MTP Centre In India: A Complete Guide

How To Set Up A Gynecology Clinic Or MTP Centre In India: A Complete Guide

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gynecology clinic

Welcome, doctors! If you are planning to open a gynecology clinic or a government-recognised MTP (medical termination of pregnancy) centre, you are about to embark on a journey that requires attention to detail.


It’s not just about providing quality healthcare; it’s also about adhering to the minimum standards set by government authorities and ensuring the safety and well-being of your patients.


In this guide, we will help you understand what is needed for setting up a gynecology clinic or MTP centre in India and ensure you meet all necessary requirements. Let’s look at them in detail.

Understanding the Services You Need to Provide

First, let’s talk about the key services your clinic should offer to meet the needs of your patients.

Gynecology OPD Services

Your clinic must provide essential gynaecological services, including:


  • Pap Smear: For early detection of cervical cancer.

  • VIA/VILI (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid/Lugol’s Iodine): Important for identifying cervical abnormalities.

  • Cervical Biopsy: A procedure to remove a tissue sample from the cervix for further testing.

  • Colposcopy: A detailed examination of the cervix, vagina, and vulva.

  • Vulvoscopy: Similar to colposcopy, but focused on the vulva.

  • Antenatal Care (ANC): Regular check-ups to monitor the health of the mother and baby.

  • Normal Delivery: Providing support for a natural birth.

  • Ultrasound (USG): For monitoring pregnancy and diagnosing other conditions.

MTP Services

As a government-recognised MTP centre, your clinic must also offer Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP). It includes, conducting safe pregnancy terminations as per the guidelines of the MTP Act. This includes pregnancy terminations up to 12 weeks, or between 12 and 20 weeks with the approval of two registered medical practitioners.

Physical Infrastructure Requirements

Next, let’s look at the space and infrastructure your clinic needs. Proper planning of your clinic layout will ensure smooth patient flow and an efficient working environment. The mandatory space requirements include:


  • Reception Area: A clear and organized reception is mandatory for patient check-in and appointment scheduling.

  • Consultation/Waiting Area: A private, comfortable area where patients can wait and consultations can take place. 

  • OPD Area: The outpatient department (OPD) should be spacious enough to handle patient consultations and examinations efficiently. It’s essential that this area is set up according to healthcare standards.

Human Resources for Gynecology Clinic

When setting up a gynecology OPD or MTP centre, having the right human resources is essential for ensuring quality care and compliance with regulations. Here’s an overview of the required staff and their qualifications:


Qualifications: You will need MBBS/MD/MS/DGO (gynecology and obstetrics) doctors to offer expert care in gynecology and obstetrics and to perform Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP).


MTP Regulations: According to the MTP Act, a registered medical practitioner can perform a pregnancy termination under the following conditions:


  • Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy: The procedure can be done by a single registered medical practitioner.

  • Between 12 and 20 weeks of pregnancy: At least two registered medical practitioners must form a joint opinion that:

    • The pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s life or could seriously harm her physical or mental health.

    • The unborn child has significant physical or mental abnormalities that could result in a serious handicap.

Technical Staff

Nurses: You need at least one nurse on staff. For smoother operations and more complex care, two nurses may be required, especially in MTP centres.

Non-Technical Staff

Attendant: One attendant is necessary for assisting with non-medical duties and patient management.

Additional Staff Requirements

Duty and Salary Roster: It is mandatory to maintain a clear duty and salary roster to ensure smooth operations and proper staffing at all times.


Health Check-ups and Vaccinations: Periodic health check-ups and vaccinations for all clinic staff are desirable to ensure their health and safety.


This structured human resource plan will help you run a compliant, well-organized, and efficient clinic, ensuring high-quality care for your patients.

Necessary Equipment and Consumables for Gynecology Clinic

Proper medical equipment is essential for providing high-quality care. Below is a list of essential tools and supplies needed in your gynecology clinic or MTP centre:

Basic Equipment

  • Stethoscope
  • Thermometer (Non-mercury type)
  • Blood Pressure Apparatus (Non-mercury type)
  • Glucometer
  • Weighing Machine

Specialized Gynecology Equipment

  • Delivery Kit: Must be available for safe childbirth.

  • Emergency Kit: Includes forceps, Sims speculum, Cusco’s speculum, and other tools necessary for various gynaecological procedures.

  • Pap Smear Kit: For screening cervical cancer.

  • Endometrial Biopsy Kit: For diagnostic purposes.

  • Eclampsia Management Kit: For managing high blood pressure and related complications during pregnancy.

  • Postpartum Hemorrhage Kit: For controlling bleeding after childbirth.


  • Sterile Gauze
  • Gloves
  • Dressing Materials
  • Adhesive Bandages
  • List of Disposables: Including syringes, needles, and other disposable items.

Equipment Maintenance: Ensure annual maintenance records are kept for all equipment.

Support Services for Efficient Operation

For your clinic to operate smoothly, consider these support services:


  • Sterilization Services (CSSD): It’s mandatory to have a sterilization unit (like an autoclave) to keep all medical tools clean and safe for use.

  • Security: While security services are desirable, it is important to ensure the safety of your patients and staff.

  • BMW (Biomedical Waste) Management: This is mandatory for proper waste disposal and maintaining hygiene standards.

  • Laundry: You must have a reliable laundry service (either in-house or outsourced) for staff uniforms and patient linens.

Standard Operational Processes

Proper processes are vital to ensure the safety, confidentiality, and overall well-being of your patients. Here’s a quick look at what you need:


Receiving Patients: Ensure that all patients, especially females, have privacy during consultations and examinations. This is mandatory.

Infection Control Practices:


  • Handwashing Facilities: Provide easy access to soap, water, and hand disinfectants.

  • Disinfection of Work Areas: Regularly disinfect all work areas to maintain hygiene.

  • Use of Disposable Services: Always use disposable gloves, syringes, and other materials where applicable.

  • Small Autoclave: For sterilizing reusable instruments, a small autoclave is necessary.

Outsourced Services: If your gynecology clinic outsources certain services like laundry or waste management, you must have a clear policy to ensure they meet necessary healthcare standards.

See Also: How To Start An Urology Clinic In India: A Complete Guide

Wrapping it up

By now, you should have a clear understanding of the minimum standards required for setting up a gynecology OPD or MTP centre. These standards not only ensure that your clinic meets government regulations but also that your patients receive safe, high-quality care.


Adhering to these standards will allow you to run a clinic that provides excellent gynaecological services while maintaining a high level of safety and patient satisfaction.


Remember, following these guidelines will help you establish a trustworthy, efficient, and legally compliant clinic. Best of luck with your new venture, and we hope you make a significant impact on the health and well-being of your patients!


See Also: How To Start A Clinic In India: A Complete Guide


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